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Owl Cafe Tokyo

Today I would like to introduce "Owl Cafe Tokyo". It's an owl cafe located in Akihabara in Tokyo. In this cafe, you can contact with many kinds of owls from biggest one to smallest one. It's cafe but you cant drink or eat in here but you can contact with these cute animals so you don't care about it right? The reason why I chose this cafe is I'm interested in birds especially owls. Actually you can have owls as pets but it's really hard to take care of them and costs a lot of money. But in this cafe, you can have good time with owls without having to worry about them. As I said before, this cafe is located in Akihabara in Tokyo and you can go there on foot in about 3minues from Akihabara station. It's opening from 12:00 to 18:00 in weekday. In weekend it close at 19:00. Also this cafe is reservation only so don't forget to make reservation.


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